Wednesday 13 July 2011

assignment1:Think, Pair, Share, Online Discussion

Task given:(briefed in the class)

1. choose a topic out of the 10 topic given,and do a online reading of that topic-Internet and Computer Security (Virus, Spam, Phishing)
2. find a partner who is doing the same topic.(Al Arimi)

3. do an online discussion with my partner(Al Arimi) via Facebook group (doc)

4. share the link.

What had i learn today?
due to the topic that i chosen, i have to browse the internet in order to search information about Internet and Computer Security (Virus, Spam, Phishing). i learnt the definition for the word virus, spam and phishing before i start searching for any related materials and information. the word "Phishing" is a totally new words for me, therefore it is crucial for me to understand the meaning before i do the searching in the internet.

to do a discussion with my partner who is Al Arimi, I created a doc file in my Facebook Group. we cooperate with each other to compile the notes and information that we get from the internet. we will edit the doc from time to time whenever we got new information from the internet.

in our topic, we discussed about internet security as well as the problem that happens to the world which includes virus, spamming, and phishing. Before i start the information searching, i do not really understand what is a computer virus and how they work to attack one's file or computer. now i finally understand how spamming, virus and phishing occur and i will certainly be more careful when i check my email and i will never clicks on those unknown links from those unknown sender because of the risk of scam, spam, virus, and phishing.

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