Thursday 7 July 2011

First Week Class.

In our 1st interaction with our subject lecturer(Tg Norazlan Tg Sulaiman ) of the subject GGGE1155. Computer in Education on 5th July, we are briefed with the task that we should do throughout the week after some introduction of the course.

1.register a yahoo and google account
We are required to open a official email account for both google and yahoo. we are also being advised to use a proper and meaningful name for our email account. These accounts will be used for educational purposes in our courses.

2. register a facebook account using the newly created google account.
We register a new facebook account as soon as we finished applying the new email address. I followed the instructions that are noted in our course proforma. but the process of opening a new account for facebook is not as easy as it seems because our IPG's wifi has block Facebook. therefore we are having a hard time to create a facebook account.

3. joining a yahoo group and creating our own yahoo group
we are given the url of the group that we should join which is and we also created our own group in the yahoo group using our own name as the group name. the group will act as a web portfolio which functions as our learning portfolio for this subject in this semester which is awesome to be as this will be my first web portfolio.

4. blog registration
this blog is very meaningful for me as this is my first blog in my life. i can't believed that i will have a blog of my own. nevertheless, this is a one in a million chance to learn to use a blog and keep on track on the digital websites. we are required to write our reflection of what we've learnt in the class.

this subject, computer in education is a very important subject for me as I am good in computer software and programs. this is a good chance for me to learn all these and hopefully it will help my in my career someday. registering all those accounts takes time as our IPG blocked certain websites and the internet speed is very slow. it certainly tested my patience. it is frustrating when the internet connection keeps on disconnecting while i'm applying a new account for google and yahoo. hopefully the situation will change soon. overall, i've learn quite a lot in this first week class alone. i hope i can learn more things in the following week!!

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