Wednesday 10 August 2011

week 5: Multimedia in education

In week 5, I browse through all the links provided by Dr Siti about  types 2D graphic and the file format of there graphic images. I never know that there are so many types of format for graphic images. i aso learn to use some graphic editing software such as paint and adobe photoshop.The RGB and CMK is introduced by Dr Siti but i'm not familiar with these 2 types of software. therefore i took a longer time to explore these software.

Designing a brochure using microsoft publisher and also microsoft word is also part of this week's task. me and my partner do this task together. We design the brochure using microsoft publisher before we start doing it using microsoft word. it is very easy to do a brochure using microsoft publisher because all we need to do is just to select which type of pattern that we want and then we just fill it with relevant information. after we done the brochure using microsoft publisher, we do it using microsoft word. my partner and I have a hard time to do the brochure using microsoft word as we don't even know where to choose the bookfold format for this task. at the end, we search on how and where to select select bookfold layout. after awhile, we understand how it works and then only we start doing the brochure smoothly.

To compare microsoft word and microsoft publisher in completing this brochure task, microsoft publisher will be my 1st choice because it is easier to use and the design of the brochure is better compared to microsoft word where we have to do everything by our self.

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