Tuesday 2 August 2011

week 3(b): online questionaire

in this week 3(b) task, we have to make 10 questions questionnaires that will be used later in our mini research further in assignment 5. before we start doing our questionnaires, we are required to register an account in www.surveymonkey.com. in that website, we can only make a set of questionnaire that consists of 10 questions. therefore we are advised to choose our questions carefully. the question that we will be doing will be related to the topic given to us in the previous class. in my case, the topic is computer and internet security(virus, spam, phisphing). before I create the questionnaires in surveymoneky.com, i type my questions in word file and show it to my course lecturer to seek for his advice about the appropriateness of the questions for questionnaires. after the approval from the course lecturer, i type the create the questions in surveymonkey.com and share the questionnaires in facebook so that my coursemates are able to do the questionnaires as pilot test.

after the pilot test, I make the questionnaires in the Google document in various types of format such as multiple choice questions, scale, and check boxes. after that, i save it and i share the embed link in the Facebook group so that my course mates in IPGKDRI and IPGKS will be able to do this survey. Right after i finished sharing the links, i print out a the questionnaire so that i will be able to get respondent from my campus. i also explore the Google documents where it can save in various formats like excel format.

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