Monday 15 August 2011

week 6:Creative effective multimedia Production

At first, i open the link provided by Dr Siti about presentation skills. those link shows characteristic of a good presentation should looks like. It is kind of similar with what our lecturer, Mr Abdulah taught us in another subject. after that, i open some other links about impress on how to make our own theme for presentation. the impress works similar to microsoft power point, but it is slightly different. when I am doing the presentation using the impress, i felt that i am doing my work at a slower pace. this is due to I am not familiar with the positions of the buttons in impress because I usually use Microsoft power point for preparing my presentations. i just browse through the links provided for the microsoft powerpoint because i am quite used to Microsoft power point. for assignment 7a, we are told to do a presentation using impress for our previous assignment which is about the mini journal. it took me some time to done the presentation. after i done with the presentation, i uploaded the file to google doc as in the course profoma.

For the assignment 7b, me and my partner do it together. this is because compared to assignment 7a. assignment 7b is a bit harder in the sense of complexity of the presentation. first, we do a presentation for the topic internet and computer security in microsoft power point. we insert video which we do it using movie maker and a layer image which we did it using GIMP and also insert few audio that we record using audacity. in assignment 7b, i learnt a lot of new things such as recording sound in various of formats, edit videos and image. this surely benefits me.

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